


Watanabe Shuzo Honten started to make their sacred sake for locals in 1871. . They own a rice field that produces a brand of Fukushima rice. They concentrate to make the most appropriate rice for their sake with contracted rice farmers. Their sake compliments the characteristics of their rice, which brings out a softness in their sake.


1871年創業の心で造り出 す、爽やか で キ ㇾ の 良 い 辛 口酒 。そ れ が 雪 小 町 の 醸 す酒 で す。

We think everyone are our fellows if we drink together!
Established in 1871.
Our brewery brand name is “Yukikomachi”.
We brew our Sake by our burning sprits.
Our Sake is Dry and Crisp aftertastes with good refreshing.