慶応元年創業 慶びの志を結ぶ 千代むすび は伝統の技と「本物」を醸す心を大切に、「安心」「健康」な美味しい酒造りを通じ、お客様との「環」をもっと豊かにむすびたいと一同心を込め日々研鑚に努めています。お酒造りの第一は「美味しいこと」で、「ふくよかな味、香り、飲み後はすっきり」を美味しさの基本にしています。山陰の自然が酒蔵となり、「本物で安心」な原料を使用し、微生物が醸す「発酵食品」を通じて、全世界の人々が「健康」になることを願って醸されています。
“CHIYOMUSUBI” means eternal ties with people. It also represents love between husband and wife, among parents and their children, brothers and sisters, and friendship among friends and neighbors. It is also a word for celebration. “Creation of happiness” is their management philosophy, which for customers and other people involved with Chiyomusubi. They consider deliciousness in the first place when they make sake. Rich taste, gentle aroma and smoothness are their bases of deliciousness.
Surrounded by great environment of their regional area in Tottori prefecture, by making fermented drinks like sake and shochu with safe and genuine ingredients.
We brew Sake from Sake Rice which made in our local area “Tottori” and spring water which is from our local area “Chu-Goku maintain range”.
We take brewing by local ingredients seriously!
We would like you to enjoy Our mellow Sake which we brought out rich rice “Umami”.